AQOS Company


The company engaged in design, research and production of cars.

“The birth of a new brand begins the moment you feel the power of dominance over a car from which you are looking at the present moment from a historical distance, i.e. when a new logical algorythm is set that articulates all the manifesting questions related to the philosophy of car making and their technical realization. The meaning and the full effect of a new brand is only possible if the momentum is synchronised with understanding the needs of civilization. At that moment and in that case we have the effect of the market void which absorbs the new ideology of the new brand.’’

Dejan Vuksanovic Partner in AQOS company.
Director of Promotions and Sales


AQOS Technologies was built as a polygon for the realization of sophisticated solutions which will create strong and authentic AQOS brand (trade mark) whose identity should not be based on aggressive marketing campaign, but on itself.


AQOS program is a step forward towards originality of design as well as separation from the common imitation in the car industry, with the capability to respond to the competition. AQOS program is based on conceptual solutions of already existing classes of cars and on forming new classes as an answer to the new market tendencies.


The AQOS Project is made to fundamentally shake the automotive industry. The fact that is made in Serbia makes it even more innovative, unique and intriguing. AQOS Project is the car manifesto of the new business philosophy.


Only talent allows us to be unique and to avoid “regular” situation in our work. What is required in the economy of the future is an “irregular” state. What we need is an innovative business, different, full of surprises. It is the basic idea of AQOS Project. It is unique, provocative, and completely different view of the contemporary car industry.

The object of desirecalled “the car” has converted world economy to auto-centric in the last hundred years. Overproduction caused an overconfidence effect on the car manufacturers pleased with their mass production cars and therefore opened space for new brands positioning and new players.

AQOS Technologies was founded in Belgrade, Serbia, as a comany to be involved in international markets of high technology products and to formalize many years long design research having excellent knowledge on tradition and philosophy of car construction and joining great individual experiences, knowledge and commitment. The Company is a result of work of the group of independent experienced professionals from different fields: design, engineering, technology, architecture, etc. The main Company occupation is research in all aspects of auto-industry, design of innovative parts of the car and the design – production of the cars.

The leader of the team is the chief designer, Sasha Milovančević. He has already made significant achievements in creating existing cars and he has collaborated with the biggest automakers worldwide. The team consists of established domestic and foreign experts from the U.K., Germany and Italy supported by relevant scientific and research institutions and organizations (e.g. Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy – University of Belgrade).

The essence of creating new AQOS brand is based on the assumption that only a completely new concept and approach can meet the challenges of new time. The input parameters of establishing and positioning the new ideology of building cars must be redefined.

AQOS Technologies approaches to the design as to the means of articulation of constructional, mechanical, aerodynamical, ergonomic, technological, philosophical and economic aspects of car.

Solar Electro program AQOS Technologies  PDF